Week 3- Tranzfuser and Manchester
So we can officially publicly announce that we are one of the 23 selected teams participating in Tranzfuser this year. We are very excited to continue to work with the Tranzfuser team, other teams and we are looking forward to showcasing our game Ascend at EGX in September- make sure you come and see us there! TALK Tranzfuser This week we took a team trip to Media City in Manchester. Everyone piled into my tiny three door Peugeot 207, much to the joy of Andrew, Dec and Adam who had to cram into the backseats in 28 °C heat and off we went. 5 developers, 1 cramped car The reason for the visit was to attend the TALK Tanzfuser event; to meet the other teams and pitch our game idea and team to the official competition judges and get inspired by some guest speakers. The day was kicked off by an introductory speech by Deborah Farley, Tranzfuser's head of Talent and Outreach who warmly welcomed all of the teams to the event and gave some insight into the day's activities. ...